Mzuzu Branch September Monthly Talk

WESM Mzuzu Branch in conjunction with INNORET is cordially inviting you to a Monthly Talk as below: Topic: The role of Biodiversity & Renewable Energy in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Presenter: Dr Russel Chidya (Ph.D) (Mzuni Lecturer & Innoret Team Leader) Date: 29 Sept. 2023 (Thurs) Time: 6 – 7:30 pm. Mode: Blended (Face-to-face …

learners are encouraged to visit protected areas

Learners Encouraged to Take Trips to Protected Areas

George Manga, a WESM Coordinator, with Philimon Mpuwe, Environmental Education Club Coordinator for Mzuzu, and Luthando Nixon spoke at the Mchengautuba Primary School.  The talk presented information about the supervision and strengthening of wildlife clubs. Clubs are encouraged to fully participate in the area of waste management. The coordinators encouraged the learners to take trips …