Experience and Capabilities

WESM’s projects focus on working with communities bordering environmentally-important areas (for example, national parks, wildlife reserves and forest reserves) to promote environmental/biodiversity protection and to promote environmental awareness and involvement, as well as environmental education in schools.

WESM draws experience for project implementation from long-standing relationships with associates across the country, together with volunteers and a handful of key employees. In that way WESM puts together competent teams to deliver major projects.

For example, one of WESM’s current projects is a 3-year grant of £312,000 from the UK Government to work with communities and the local government for a ‘Community Approach to Waterbird Resource Management’ at the Chia Lagoon, near Nkhotakota.

Examples of previous projects are listed below.  

Examples of projects implemented by WESM

Name of Project Project Description Life WESM budget (USD) Donor/Contractor
Promotion of right to quality education and environmental management for sustainable development Promoting rights based quality education in primary schools and environmental education 10 years $400,000 DANIDA through DOC
Fisheries Integration of Society and Habitats (FISH) Sustainable economic growth in threatened freshwater ecosystems & increased social, ecological & economic resilience through: Biodiversity Conservation Climate Change Adaptation 5 years $570,000 USAID through PACT
Biodiversity conservation through community mobilisation and building sustainable livelihoods for selected IBAs in Malawi Biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods for rural communities around the three IBAs (Dzalanyama Forest Reserve, Kasungu National Park and Ntchisi Forest Reserve). 7 years $750,000 Norad through NOF (BirdLife Norway)
Advocating for Awareness on Forest Degradation and Policies and Procedures in Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) in and around Ntchisi Mountain and Dedza Mountain Forest Reserves To develop Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Protected Areas in Malawi 3 years $150,000 Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
The Project for Conservation and Sustainable Management of Dzalanyama Forest Reserve (COSMA-DFR) To establish community based patrol systems and stakeholder coordination 3 years $70,000 JICA and Lilongwe Water Board
Effective Management of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve To improve sustainable management of natural resources in Nkhotakota Wildife Reserve by the staff of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) 3 years $845,000 GEF through World Bank
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